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Meet the Founder and CEO

Hello and welcome to the website! My name is Marquel and I'm a 25 year old entrepreneur based in Ajax, Ontario. With everything I do I like to put my best foot forward and over the years I've realized one of the best ways to do that is through self-care. Taking care of your body, nourishing it with the best possible products and rewarding yourself with pure intention and execution always reflects well on your appearance. In this life I hope to find enjoyment in every day and be able to share that with the people I encounter. 



The reason I decided to start ReMarQable Cosmetics was to help people the way I helped myself; I’ve had eczema my entire life and the struggle has been inescapable. Eczema plagues such a large and diverse part of the population and there doesn’t seem to be a solid solution in place to this very day. My mom was fortunate enough to not have the skin condition so she did her very best to help me but there is only so much that someone without eczema can do and understand when it comes to the condition. After years of temporary fixes fueled by prescription steroid creams and disengaged dermatologists I decided to take matters into my own hands, I spent months sifting through books, articles, websites and even youtube videos to try and find some feasible insight into helping my skin. I decided to cut out all steroid creams and try out the best natural ingredients I could find. I started one at time moving through Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Coconut oil, Castor Oil, etc.


I started doing some basic bathroom chemistry, putting together ingredients and finding what quantities and combinations fit well together. After a few years of perfecting my measurements and continuely recreating a working product I started to find peace with my skin.

From that point on I had developed something that worked so well for me that I couldn't keep it to myself. I gave the cream to a few other people I knew who suffered with eczema and put my new found healing butter to the test. The response of relief and astonishment at the success of the cream pushed me to go into production and ReMarQable Cosmetics was born.

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